Possible to sell games?

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Possible to sell games?

Postby Joder921 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 8:46 pm

I don't know how other people feel, but maybe people could sell the games they make for Gamebuino. Do we want to keep this a free game experience or do we want to maybe charge 1 dollar for some games? (kind of like apps - cheap portable games) Of course we should have free games too, but maybe some more popular ones could cost just a dollar to support the developers. Either way we do it, think it would be a good idea to get a place to download/buy the games, like maybe a section on this website, or even a game store directly on the Gamebuino (if you own the wireless extension)! I think this would be easier than posting the games on the forum.
Tell me what you guys think.
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Re: Possible to sell games?

Postby erico » Sat Apr 26, 2014 9:30 pm

It has been discussed before, selling is an alternative, don´t expect to become millionaire.
Sustaining an app store is quite a lot of work, probably won´t happen.

Users may sell their stuff through their own channels though, private web site, or a sort of donationware.

For me, it is hard to think of selling anything cause when I get to the gamebuino, I will be asking a lot of help on it, so I can learn how to low level code, I could not possibly get all that help and then put my work piece for sale to the very people that helped me in the first place.

Maybe a donate-for-the cause would be nice if a game has such a great design and the likes.
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Re: Possible to sell games?

Postby phi » Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:59 pm

You have to take into account that there will be approximately 700 Gamebuino owners by the end of the campaign. Even if you create a very good game only a fraction will actually pay money for it if there are other games that are free. I don't think the gains are worth the effort.

What could work is a donation button (flatter,paypal..) similar to rodots "gimme coffee" perk. If someone likes your game they are probably willing to give you some money but do not expect to get rich.

If you really want to sell your games then nobody is preventing you from doing so (as long as the game consists of your own work).
Last edited by phi on Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Possible to sell games?

Postby Joder921 » Sat Apr 26, 2014 10:59 pm

Trust me, I do not have the skills to even make a very popular game, let alone make money, but I so like the idea of a dontations.
I still think that on this website there should be a little tab at the top for Games. Each game could have a little block, a picture, a name, user rating, and brief description. (similar to indiegogo's format, but maybe rows of 6 and smaller blocks). That way all the games could be in one place, and would make finding a game a lot easier. They could set up a "like" or "recommended" system to see what is worth playing. If they did this it would make it a lot more people willing to donate because it is in a safe website, and not on some sketchy site.
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Re: Possible to sell games?

Postby erico » Sat Apr 26, 2014 11:25 pm

When the gamebuinos get delivered and full games or code snippets start to show up, people will probably try to set up a repository, either on a wikki thing or right here at the forum.
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Re: Possible to sell games?

Postby Skyrunner65 » Sun Apr 27, 2014 1:45 am

Donation system:
90 percent to the developer(s), 10 to rodot (that way he can profit from this).
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Re: Possible to sell games?

Postby dotdan » Sun Apr 27, 2014 10:03 am

Joder921 wrote:Trust me, I do not have the skills to even make a very popular game, let alone make money, but I so like the idea of a dontations.
I still think that on this website there should be a little tab at the top for Games. Each game could have a little block, a picture, a name, user rating, and brief description. (similar to indiegogo's format, but maybe rows of 6 and smaller blocks). That way all the games could be in one place, and would make finding a game a lot easier. They could set up a "like" or "recommended" system to see what is worth playing. If they did this it would make it a lot more people willing to donate because it is in a safe website, and not on some sketchy site.

A nice possibility for a Gamebuino Game-Marketplace within screenshots, desc. and ratings is the
The phpbb board mod https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/mod/phpbb_gallery/
and for 3.0.12: http://www.phpbbmods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=151
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Re: Possible to sell games?

Postby adekto » Sun Apr 27, 2014 11:38 am

if we are setting up this store front or watever u want to call it we will have to havely moderate it
and work on a submission system so we can put our seal of approval onto it (also to see there is not r rated or 18+ stuff in it)
there be probably no pricing on our store front except for donation (tip jar) on the side
unless u want to be on the top of the page or anything we wont ask any revenue from u
exceptions to some of these ruling can be mmo (subscription model for server costs) but that is also to be seen

possible ways to make money: soundtrack, paperback manual, merchandise we will probably let u add those in the game description

sorry if this sounds not open or somthing but its for the best if u want a healthy ecosystem and not have 100 pong clones on the front page (we all remember what happened in 1983)

there is still the forum to post any games u make and we love to see them (even if there pong clones)
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Re: Possible to sell games?

Postby yodasvideoarcade » Mon Apr 28, 2014 8:53 am

What do you think of these boxes?

I can easily make them for the games and the gamebuino itself.

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Re: Possible to sell games?

Postby Drakker » Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:24 am

It's missing something to be really retro... ah yes!

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