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Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Sun Mar 06, 2016 10:43 pm

Nowadays all the kids are rambling about the Arduboy, even though its nowhere near as good as the 2014's Gamebuino of our youth.

Get off my lawn you kiddos are yer Arduboys!

Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:27 pm

What I'm disappointed by is there is no way for new users to buy a Gamebuino at the moment. I've been monitoring this site almost daily for weeks and have yet come across one I can buy. :(

In order for Gamebuino to survive, Rodot or someone else for that matter needs to manufacture new Gamebuinos to inject new life & enthusiasm into the project. Otherwise I fear that our beloved hobby will continue to die a slow and painfully death.... :(

Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:52 pm

Nowadays all the kids are rambling about the Arduboy, even though its nowhere near as good as the 2014's Gamebuino of our youth.

Get off my lawn you kiddos are yer Arduboys!

I know right? It costs the same, but has so much less capabilities. No SD card, no SPI breakouts, an even more uncomfortable layout; the only thing going for it is the online multiplayer in development, and the high durability. I'm just glad I got my Gamebuino before they became unavailable. Usually I wait until it's too late.

Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:22 am

All the multiplayer stuff from the Arduboy can be ported to the Gamebuino.

Rodot is very busy working in real life, its understandable that the Gamebuino is not the center of his interest anymore, but he should pop in here once in a while. I just hope he's silent because is busy working some something amazing that's Gamebuino related. I still want him to work with Kevin to bring the Arduboy manufacturing process to the Gamebuino. ;)

Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:19 pm

Obviously I agree with tuberious, for now I thought I read that rodot was busy with graduation.
However the fear that there will be no more products is strong, especially since there is no update about it.

Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:47 pm

I still want him to work with Kevin to bring the Arduboy manufacturing process to the Gamebuino. ;)

I personally think if the Gamebuino was any thinner, it would get uncomfortable (more) quickly. Also, it's good news to hear the multiplayer thing is portable. I can see high scores for games being available to all other players, for one simple implementation.

Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:57 am

Yes indeed Jonnection
This is exactly what I was thinking about one day
I am with the project since the start
The project is....dead
It is sad R0d0t lost interest for further development
So much more could be made, this had and still has a great potential
Someone should make a Gamebuino2
more memory
and a better screen
2.4 inch monochromatic OLED+ATmega2560
or something
I don't know
Maybe people sohuld gather and do something like that
Personaly I have insufficient time

and I suppose this is a great moment for showing my latest Gamebuino clone (sarcastic)
Actually it is quite old
But still ... jR3dmpfZ1U

I will bring it to Maker faire Vienna in April
Anyone coming?
Maybe I can get you a free ticket
Maybe not

jonnection wrote:Quoting myself from may 2014:

jonnection wrote:Hello all
I've been hanging around here for a couple of weeks. I really like the Gamebuino, I think Rodot & Myndale and whoever else have done fantastic work. The Gamebuino has more going for it than any other Arduino-based gaming system I've seen. Its early days and looking pretty good.

... and yet ...

I do not (at least yet) see why it would avoid the trajectory of other similar projects (high initial excitement, lack of follow-up software, decline). The Hackvision (arduino+tvout) is a couple of years old, had some pretty decent games made for it and is already as dead as a dodo.

And here we are. I guess it was a good run, almost 2 years.

Thanks rodot, it was an inspiring time.

Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:31 pm

Fine clone :) a little less portable but looks well built :P

Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:37 am

I am with the project since the start
The project is....dead
It is sad R0d0t lost interest for further development
So much more could be made, this had and still has a great potential

Well this is where the hardware forum thread becomes a channel for Fakebuino tutorials. It is a shame though, I really thought this would grow into a rather big company rather than become lost in obscurity. Hardly anyone has heard about Gamebuino still, and it's being eclipsed by Arduboy at this point.

Re: How will the Gamebuino avoid the fate of the Hackvision

Fri Mar 11, 2016 2:29 pm

On facebook the last update is this:

26 febbraio alle ore 2:37 ·
The wait will soon be over...

The end is near! :lol:
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