Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Modules, cases, buttons...

Re: Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Postby Duhjoker » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:38 am

Me too man! Me too!!!

Ok so the main problem with testing the inhaos screen was due to poor soldering technique. I just learned a couple years ago but im still jot to good. Any way when i try to solder the pins i do ok not soldering two or more together but the distance between solder joints on the bread board are close enough that it was screwing around with it.

So i had an idea!!! I can print out something like a SNES controller and modify it to hold a 2.4 tft and buttuns and such. I figure i can cram all thats needed plus 3 500mah batteries inside. I can solder it better this way is my point though.

Plus it will have that retro look!!!!
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Re: Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Postby Duhjoker » Fri Jan 06, 2017 5:29 am

Did some looking on thingiverse and found a case that will do for now. I didnt print it all out but if i can figure out how to edit it the thong might be perfect. And it will still be pocket sized!!!!

Edit 04:30 AM
Well i stayed up and did some tweaking. I was able to stretch the case enough so the screen fits in rather well. It will need to be deeper though. I just hate that its so long in order to fit the screen and the buttons. Oh well this will work for now. I did find an SNES controller .stl file but it will have to be severely edited to work. It will need widening, deepening and lengthening. But i think it will look bad a$$!!!

Managed to get it stretched right but still needs some modification. Its actually for a pi grrl zero but it suits my purpose for now. Any way the PG had turrets for the screen so i had to trim those down. I also couldnt figure out how to manipulate the opening so it needs a lil cutting so the whole screen fits top and bottom.

Left and right are perfect though. Gave it just enough room on either side to hold bread board rectangles for the buttons and d-pad. The shoulder buttons will be the easiest since the tactile switches will fit perfectly.

Included in the design is a place i can mount a Mini to 2.0 usb so i dont have to take it apart to flash new sketches. And then i can drill a hole for the teensys load button. It even has the place to mount the adafruit power boost 500 or 1000.

But this is temporary.....too plain. I want the case to resemble an snes controller.

Any way heres a pic of the screen inside

Edit ::: 1/12/17

Well I just finished the new library for use with the mcufriend LCD. It's pretty basic but I kept mouginos draw from sd commands and everything but I DID NOT add the UFTGLUE example with the pushcolors to the library as planned....yet. It's in the library but not added to a .h file. I also combined the serial and shield .h files to the Display files .h.

Still need some help to update the sound to ARM.

Edit:: 1/12/17

Just finished adding the UFTGLUE bits. So full color bitmaps can be displayed.

So now we can draw RGB monochrome bitmaps. The same for the tilemap a draw From SD function and a draw multicolored bitmap commands.

Is there any thing else I need to add?
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Re: Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Postby Duhjoker » Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:02 am

Success with the teensy3.6 using an ili9341 2.2tft and sumotoys library!


Ok now that i know i have the wiring right i can try to get the gamebuino ili9341 to work with it. Kind of concerned about the listed pin out that the gamebuino.h file uses. Might give me some trouble.

Sorry crappy video!!!

Edit:::: 03:17

Ok so I started a new library so I could test as I go. I added all the bitmap stuff, tilemap and collision detection. Then I included the buttons the battery and the back light and all is good. I even just displayed a bitmap on the screen instead of the demo.
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Re: Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Postby Zvoc47 » Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:29 pm

Wow! You've really been progressing. Could you try making a framebuffer in Teensy 3.6 and use DMA to render it during VBlank? I'd like to see the max framerate that one can achieve with this since I'm buying a Teensy 3.6 and would like to know if this works.
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Re: Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Postby Duhjoker » Sat Jan 28, 2017 8:54 pm

Sorry the only thing i understood was bfrae buffer.

But i did get the buffer going. Before adding it the screen kept doing some weird things with drawn bitmaps. Flashing, scan lines and such. But now its solid.

All i really did was just add the buffer stuff from the original gamebuino library.

Now i need the tilemap to work. Right now its only showing a single pixel from each bitmap and they are forced together to form a collumn. Weird.

The last library is too large to post so I put a copy in my Dropbox ...
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Re: Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Postby Zvoc47 » Sun Jan 29, 2017 6:31 pm

On ST7735, I know that you can set the window to max resolution and then just send the pixels. Does this work with the ILI display? I was thinking if after drawing on the frame buffer you could just set the window and then activate DMA to send pixels over SPI to the display.

Currently I don't have an ILI display, but I do have that old ST7735 one and an Arduino UNO. Also, I cannot write private messages for some reason.
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Re: Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Postby Duhjoker » Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:45 am

Ok I looked up DMA and I kinda know what it is but don't know enough to answer your question.

I mean I guess it's how hard you want to push the board. Try it out first though. Run the library and have it do a few tasks like button presses Or run the graphics test.

Speaking of buttons I think I might redo the buttons with the bounce library for faster more accurate button presses.

Ok so I spent the last couple days playing with merging the Gamebuino.h and .cpp into the display file and running it that way. I'm missing the Display battery and draw character functions. They need each other to work and I don't know how to rewrite it just yet to get them both to work. I even got the set up compiled with the gb.begin but the TFT will have to be begun after calling the gb begin. If I could figure out how to change the parameters of the display begin I could fix that but I bet if I asked I would get more of what's been going on lately which isn't much.

Edit:: fixed include for the screen in the gamebuino begin.

Edit:: had to change the Gamebuino begin() to startup() because it kept giving me over loads the other way. It seems to work but the title screen doesn't come on before it shows my bitmap. I'm Sure I need to look at that again i must missing something on that one.

So now I have the every thing included in the display library but keyboard() and displaybattery due to the funky way the draw character is included in the keyboard function. I've tried updating it but it's got me stalling.

Edit:: now have the keyboard working and the display battery working. Plus the sleep works. I had to go into teensy/AVR/cores to make a simple change to the sleep file. I mention this at the top of the display file so it's very visible.

Ok so now that i have every thing compiling together i decided to do some tests and found some bugs. First i changed gb.begin to gb.startup since it was conflicting with my displays begin. But when i try to use the gb.startup command in my sketch, it compiles and the screen just goes bkack with no bitmaps being displayed. Titlescreen wont print test at start up.

Also the display batteryfunction in the update function also makes no display of bitmaps.

Super huge thanks to Paul stroffegen over at teensy who gave us a fix for the sound which will be mentioned in the display.h file or a read me.
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Re: Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Postby Duhjoker » Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:13 am

Ok how does the Gamebuino physically read the battery settings? Is there something special I need to do?
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Re: Advanced Gamebuino prototype

Postby Duhjoker » Sun Jul 16, 2017 5:09 am

Back with another update. Thanks to the great and helpful people at the PJRC I was able to fix the frame buffer to display solid images with out flashing and smooth rendering of the tilemap. All of the new functions use the writeRectNpp command that will allow up to 8 bits per pixel. That's a lot of color!!!! All functions have the frameBuffer built into the, so it's snap to turn on the frameBuffer.

I haven't updated the ESP library yet but I will soon. The only things we need now are the title screen to work and the pop up. The ESP has a type of boot loader using the Iotuz library but we still need something for the teensy.

All working libraries are listed on github just look me up. I removed the all in one due to clustefudge and inconsistencies. The ESp32 and teensy libraries are up to date. If you need an arduino board library just drop me a line.
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