Tutorials are iffy...

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Re: Tutorials are iffy...

Postby erico » Mon Apr 14, 2014 4:45 pm

I see no problem with selling/free/open-source.
Authors make his own call on it.

There has always been times when I needed external help, and that is not free.
I believe in a balanced way of going.
...in a game coding community, give back as much as you ask, if not more.
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Re: Tutorials are iffy...

Postby Drakker » Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:35 pm

HeroesNeverQuit wrote:So if someone works for weeks to create something amazing he should give it away for free?

Haha, good luck selling a game to such a small community. Most people get the Gamebuino for the fun of toying with limited hardware. They are not going to buy games for it, they want to make their own games.
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Re: Tutorials are iffy...

Postby adekto » Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:42 pm

it wil probebly end up in the physical goods or expensive IP department if people have to pay
i mean zork isnt open-source as far as i remember (also the money in that all gows back to the copyright holder)
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Re: Tutorials are iffy...

Postby HeroesNeverQuit » Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:27 pm

Drakker wrote:
HeroesNeverQuit wrote:So if someone works for weeks to create something amazing he should give it away for free?

Haha, good luck selling a game to such a small community. Most people get the Gamebuino for the fun of toying with limited hardware. They are not going to buy games for it, they want to make their own games.

To the gamebuino community specifically yes. You do realize what the gamebuino is not the first of its kind though correct? The biggest one to come to mind is gameduino although its a more expensive set up. It also comes in full color. They are currently working on the second version.
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Re: Tutorials are iffy...

Postby Drakker » Mon Apr 14, 2014 6:51 pm

Still, the same thing applies to other Arduino based devices. It's an enthusiasts and tinkerers community, they don't need your games, they can build their own, plus play the myriad of games like minded fellow enthusiasts will give away for free. You will have a hard time competing against free and open source in such an environment. You'd be much better to develop for markets where making money is actually possible, right now smartphones/tablets are the place to be, although that market is getting more crowded every day.
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Re: Tutorials are iffy...

Postby Myndale » Mon Apr 14, 2014 10:20 pm

Also Rodot has given away the circuit schematic for free which anyone can use (and indeed has used) to breadboard a Gamebuino or design a PCB of their own. He hasn't been compensated for the 1+ year work he's put into the project nor will he be once the Indigogo campaign is over. What he did achieve by keeping the PCB layout proprietary is ensure that enough people subscribed to the campaign rather than elsewhere, which was needed in order for economies-of-scale to kick in to make the whole thing viable in the first place. So no, it's not quite the same when you think about it.

There's nothing to stop anyone from selling games independently, assuming they can make something good enough to attract a market, but from my experience in the game industry I think it would be very difficult to set up a store. First of all you can rule China out (and many others), even Google Play haven't been able to get around the logistical nightmare of that one. Second, every country in the world has its own consumer rights which must be honored, particularly in cases where trade agreements exist between the consumers country and the sellers. Someone's going to have to handle refunds and spammers and keep an eye out for fraud and all the other fun stuff that goes with online shops, and then there are the tax reporting issues...it's bad enough when you're the only one doing the selling let alone trying to set up a store for others to sell as well! Now think about all that headache and hassle and cost involved in setting up an operation like that and ask yourself if it's really going to be worth it given that we already know the exact size of the entire Gamebuino marketplace: 487 people as of this morning.

Or we could just have an awesome forum where people get to swap tips and and ideas and source code and maybe compiled hex files and if people want to figure out a way to sell their game on their own they can do it in whatever way works best for them :)
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Re: Tutorials are iffy...

Postby adekto » Tue Apr 15, 2014 4:18 am

Ok so what about a tip jar in the free game store?
The store is more a place to find all the complete games in catigory and have reviews
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Re: Tutorials are iffy...

Postby Drakker » Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:53 pm

adekto wrote:Ok, so what about a tip jar link in the wiki games download page?
The wiki is a better place to find all the complete games in categories along with reviews.

Fixed that for ya! =)
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Re: Tutorials are iffy...

Postby Wille » Fri Jul 25, 2014 10:46 am

I'm currently watching these:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33sNhle ... GP&index=2

And also, I plan to release my games for free! :D
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