This thread is for you to know when the library is updated, what changed, and post here if there is any bug with the new version.
It's strongly adivised to update your Gamebuino library and the .HEX files on you micro SD card when a new update is out.
#2014-08-11 Beta branch
* drawPixel and getPixel are now inline for an overall 2.9x speed-up of graphic functions (suggestion by Myndale)
* SETTINGS_PAGE moved from 0x7000-128 to 0x7800-128 to avoid overwritting settings when flashing too large games. You will have to set your settings again using SETTINGS.HEX an to re-compile your games for them to be able to read the new settings.
* gb.sound.prescaler changes the sound playback speed (1=normal speed, 2=two times slower, etc.). Automatically adjusted when you use gb.setFrameRate() for a constant playback speed.
* settings.hex values wrap around fixed
* improved pickRandomSeed (even more random!)
* wrap(i, imax) macro added to core library
* .HEX files updated
* Sokoban no longer overwrites settings
* 3D demo updated to latest version (works on every screen now)
* Invaders, Minsweeper, Asterocks, Stack challenge added
# 2014-08-03
* LOADER.HEX improved
* toolkit's bitmap encoder bug fixes (hex encoding, size bytes missing in array)
* sound library bug fixes
* physics and tile map examples added
* font size is set back to 1 when titleScreen() is called
* .HEX files updated and added