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Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:32 pm

No I'm just changing them. They should be fine...

p.s. I thought it cost more to save images in the forum and that's why there was no upload option.

Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Tue Jun 24, 2014 8:04 pm

There is an upload option, simply click "upload attachment" ;)

Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Wed Jun 25, 2014 12:37 pm

I need a Frogg animation, that means 2 images for each direction.
Up Stand , Up Jump
Down Stand , Down Jump
Left Stand , Left Jump
Right Stand , Right Jump

The height and width would be great when its in the range LCDHEIGHT or LCDWIDTH divided by a number and the result should be without decimal.
So i.e. LCDHEIGHT / 8 = 8

Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Wed Jun 25, 2014 1:48 pm

Why don't you have just one animation that you rotate depending on the direction of the frog?

Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Wed Jun 25, 2014 2:03 pm

this is also a good idea xD

Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:12 pm

Jump_Stand.png (1.07 KiB) Viewed 6084 times

Well I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for or something where the player is looking at the frog in first person. Let me know and I'll change it out.

Also the frog is made to loop from standing to jumping and that is the intermediate step in the middle.

Also the 8x8 Frogs is one way but now that I see what your saying LCDWIDTH=48 then I might make a 8 x 6 but first tell me if this is the idea.

Also if this is for the player to use in game then the layout needs to be changed to fit (but I think this is for a logo or something).

Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:27 pm

Yes thanks that looking nice.
Its for ingame.

Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:39 pm

You might want to get some inspiration fore the Magnavox version of the game which split the road and water part of the game so everything could fit well in a low resolution (but still a much higher resolution than the Gamebuino).


The space between car lanes and the logs and lily pads in the river scene can be reduced a lot on the Gamebuino version.

Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Wed Jun 25, 2014 3:48 pm

That looks good Drakkar. Thanks for the link!

Ripper - the post with the smaller icons for the logs, cars, etc... has the frog in it. It is in the lower right hand area. It small but allows for 3 lanes of cars and 4 lanes of water to jump across. I was suggesting to blink the middle part of the frog to allow the user to locate it quicker.

Let me know if you like the smaller frog or if we go with a bigger frog (8x8) it will limit the street and water to about 2 lanes ea.

Also I was giving the top portion to a status (frogs left, timer, points) which would need 5 pixels. I am not sure the font sizes to choose from exactly.

Also the bottom starting area was 3 pixels for the starting area. So the frog is 3x3 pixels.

Re: Frogger by Ripper121

Wed Jun 25, 2014 4:00 pm

Yeah nice, so when i have reach the top, the next level is loading?
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