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Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 9:28 am
by Zoglu
Skyrunner65 wrote:Cool game.
Are you going to be able to attack others, and if so, then what weaponry will there be?
er... wrong topic? :P

Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 6:11 pm
by jonnection

Tree rendering changed so that shadow goes over the rider.


As for Road Rash - type gameplay... perhaps in another game in the future. Not this one. I am already hoping to get this done and get into the 2 other games I have in the pipeline.

Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2014 7:00 pm
by MexxNapster
i want to play a Demo :roll:

Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:29 am
by jonnection
It's race time !!

EDIT: difficulty of opponent adjusted, opponent now "leans" into corners.


Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 5:33 pm
by jonnection
I just tested this on real hardware. It runs roughly at the same speed as the gif. Perspective road, scrolling background, >15 scaled and alpha channeled sprites each with perspective z and x, bunch of text, 2 oscillators mixed together for sound ...

... I am just totally, utterly blown away at the processing power of this little thing. I never expected to be able to push this far.

I believe we will see amazing games in the future.

Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:20 pm
by Skyrunner65
So this is straight up racing? Cool.
What about alternative bikes?
Grease Lightning: Average Acceleration, High Speed, Low Steering
The Trickster: Low Acceleration, Average Speed, High Steering
Big Guy: High Acceleration, Low Speed, Average Steering

Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 8:29 pm
by erico
I sense a ´test drive´style intro there... 8-)

Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:28 pm
by jonnection
Skyrunner65 wrote:Sorry.
So this is straight up racing? Cool.
What about alternative bikes?

No need for sorries, I was thinking about road rash myself.

I am following some game design theories when developing this game. Games are based on loops of actions. The innermost loops of the game are the actions that the player does most. In Mario, for example, jumping and how you control jumps is vital to how enjoyable the game is.

In a racing game, the simple feeling of acceleration is the basis of everything that comes after. If you do not get a sense of motion and inertia, there is no point in developing more advanced features. I started from straight line acceleration, and spent quite a bit of time finetuning the length of the rumble strips, horizon vs sky screen area, perspective, even gear ratios to convey the feeling of acceleration.

Thats loops.

Bonus weapons / achievement classes / gameplay modifiers that you are referring to (different bikes) are what are called 'arcs'. Unlike loops, arcs are 'level up' kind of occurrences in a game. You have learned skills, and you are rewarded.

Skills, however, are based on the mastery of loops: accurate jumping in Mario, button combos in Mortal Combat etc. Therefore, in game design, loops are always the most important design factor. Arcs can only be considered after the loops work exactly like they should.

Isle of Maniax is already quite fun to play. But one very important loop is still missing: collision detection (as you can see in the video). How much the player is penalized for hitting objects and opponents is crucial to whether the game will be fun or not. At the moment I have no collision detection and its yet another thing that has to be coded from scratch.
... 2-3 weeks ;-)

I just wanted to explain the approach I use. I finetune the loops, and only then I move to higher layers of gameplay.

Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2014 9:49 pm
by jonnection
One more example about loops, actually the one I completed just now for this video.

In the video you can see how the opponent catches me up when I overshoot the corner, and flies past. However, when I accelerate and drive next few corners well, I manage to catch him again. This is all designed behaviour, based on a number of calculations with the idea to give the feeling of close racing. If the opponent did not have this 'rubberband' effect, the game would be realistic - and totally boring.

I hope to get the demo out soon.

Re: Isle of Maniax

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 2:25 am
by Skyrunner65
Never thought about it like that.
About the "arcs", which one would you like first?
Also, I think if you are going for gauged collision detection, Trees should hurt the most. When I was ten, we liked to ride bikes down the hill and back up (It was shaped like a "U", but not with steep sides), but that day we were risky. One person from each side went down at a time, and I swerved in order to not hit my brother, and I hit a ditch. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but it still felt like someone beat me with a club.
Point of story:Ditches don't hurt that bad.

I can still laugh that day off. :lol: