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Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:31 pm

Quirby64 wrote:Sphere of Destiny :

Reminds me a lot of Skyroads which would be pretty fun to recreate on the Gamebuino!

Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:07 am

Very nice graphics, thanks for sharing!

I love the tiny Megaman and Mario turned out amazing.

I am currently working on Secret of Mana mockups, perhaps you have seen the thread I posted these in. I am having a hard time getting the sprites down to size, at least if the maps should be visible well without too much cropping :-)

Do you have any ideas for FF/Zelda/Mana type of sprites?

Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Sat Jan 10, 2015 1:54 am

@ Jamish : Wow! It's like they upgraded SOD quite nicely :D Here's some footage of that game (And the only one of it on YT) to show how fast it is, the footage starts at about 4:17. I'm beginning to wonder if the GB could go that fast :lol:

@ Marcus : I actually did see your thread. Usually, my tactic for making sprites small is to 1) recolor the original sprint to B/W, 2) Do said sprite in half size, still using B/W & 3) Make a 6 x 6 version of the sprite in B/W.
I had a go at Link to the Past, btw.
A bit crowded bit I think it was a good attempt.

Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:01 am

Quirby64 wrote:@ Jamish : Wow! It's like they upgraded SOD quite nicely :D Here's some footage of that game (And the only one of it on YT) to show how fast it is, the footage starts at about 4:17. I'm beginning to wonder if the GB could go that fast :lol:

Found a couple more videos. Looks impossibly difficult!!!

Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:38 am


yes, I tried various methods, that one as well. I mostly rescaled the color images and traced the sprite by hand.
I love the Link to the past graphic! :-)

The character-sprites are really difficult, especially as in SoM the three Heroes need to be distinguishable. I doubt I could do it with 6x6 though. Perhaps if I was to use a different display with higher resolution or color, but that sounds like cheating ... And the LCD would be perfect for something Watch-sized due to it's low power consumption. I know the low power Sharp LCDs, they seem a bit pricy for such a simple project.

Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:10 am

The Invasion of the Stuff!

Hum, where can I start? There's boxes coming from all four sides, and you have to block the open walls. If a box that's moving touches a box you're using as a wall, it's destroyed. If three boxes crossto the other side of the screen, it's game over. So really, the goal is to survive the longest amount of time.

No-Brakes Valet
It's a game on Steam, so I can't play it, but the title explains it all ; you're a valet driver trying to park into the spots with no brakes, as well as picking up tips. Could be a great 2-player game! :lol:

Stick Fighter
Two stickmen are beating each other up. Each has 3 hitpoints, and that's about it. There's a fireball, though, so it's also a Street Fighter clone also! :)

Toast Catcher
You control a stickman who can hold up to four pieces of bread, and you must put them in the toasters which support 2 pieces of bread each (toasting takes 3 seconds), and each piece of toast adds to your total toast count. Goal? Get as much toast as possible! :P

Mega Man 2
No, not a sequel to the might-be-possible Mega Man GB, which will feature custom robot masters and such. Just Mega Man 2.

Oh. And I made the intro too. ;)

Enjoy, folks!

Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:42 am

I tried squeezing a pretty advanced genre on this one : anyone wanna play an Real-Time Strategy game on Gamebuino?

A portrait game! Suprising, no? Imagine, you will, a simple version of Command & Conquer, except on 1 VS 1 maps that are all vertical. (Hence the name! :P) Also, the buildings from left to right : Constriction Base, Barracks, Radar, Power Supplies.

Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:08 am

Quirby just out of curiosity when you're doing tile-based designs (like that C&C idea, for example) is there a clear-cut advantage one way or the other in making the tiles odd-pixel sizes vs even? I'm just curious because every time I have an (admittedly laughable) attempt at doing pixel art I always seem to wind up needing sprites that are symmetric everywhere except the center column (center lines down roads, necks and gaps between legs on people sprites etc), and yet you've already implied that 6x6 is a preferred size for you?

Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:25 pm

I'm curious to see Quirby's answer, but this is an age old question we all face when drawing. The short answer is that it depends on what you are drawing... and Murphy's law. Whatever sprite width you are allowed to use, it will never be odd when you need it to be odd or even when you need it to be even. ;)

But arguably, 6x6 or 8x8 has its advantages when you are animating on a platform like the Gamebuino where it is not efficient to store X and Y offsets for each frame of an animation. By making the sprite a bit smaller than say the 8x8 you are allowed, you can then move the sprite inside that 8x8 bounding box, allowing for smoother and more varied animations that can move "outside" the extent of their default position (say, 6x6 centered in a 8x8 sprite).

Re: Quirby's fantastical room of port mockups...and stuff

Sat Jan 17, 2015 6:42 pm

I really just use 6x6 tiles because it's 84 and 48 are both multiples of six, so a full screen of tiles could be doable.

Though, kinda like Drakker said, usually I need to edit the way something looks because the 6x6 box won't do it, and making it in a 5x5 or 7x7 box kinda brings up the full screen of tiles thing which I'm trying to do more often.

Also, I didn't know 8x8 tiles were allowed on the Gamebuino. I thought It was all done in 6x6 tiles. Still going to try keeping it that way however :D
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