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buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 7:04 pm
by adekto
this is the story section of the buinomon open development project
origenal post here
for all art related stuff see buinomon open development : art

Re: buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 8:01 pm
by AeroQC
Hello all aspiring story-tellers!
Welcome to the Buinomon Story Development Thread, I am the Lead Director of the story AeroQC and will be surveying this thread as often as possible.

Here we shall discuss topics and events to insert into the game, and hopefully recruit some Directors for it's elements:
    Game Story

Anyone wishing to review the current progress of the story can follow this link:

Anyone wanting to actively write out the story may PM me and I will provide you with the appropriate priviliges.

Re: buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Mon May 05, 2014 11:48 pm
by SerMagnas3
Hey i know im part of the art team already, but i want to help write the story too :D

Re: buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:41 am
by Joder921
Hai! Co-Director Here! We are open to any ideas pertaining to the story on this thread!
Right now we need the main story line to be worked on, and would love to hear ideas; however, we would love to hear any other ideas you got (ex: game mechanics, story twists, where virus originated etc.)
Also, Adekto, you should stick that link on the top post so people know exactly where they can go to view it!

Re: buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 9:57 pm
by AeroQC
I agree with Joder, the back-story and world is fleshed out enough, we can now focus on the game story itself.

Maybe we have the protagonist be a new assistant to the leading researcher on buinomon? Or an intern? Some character building should follow for a bit, and a pseudo-tutorial on battling and scanning buinomon. Then maybe we have the villain organization disrupt a research trip and the protagonist helps retrieve the stolen data.

What do you guys think? I suggest we do not write the Game Story itself until we are more or less content with each section, hence the reason for this thread. The back-story, however, would be tweaked to accommodate the game when it's needed. As with each completed story section.

Re: buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 11:11 pm
by SerMagnas3
I know the main back story generalizes where the Buinómon come from, but have we designated their role in the world? I mean if we use them like Pokémon in the sense that they are part of construction, the police, the hospitals, and recreational fighting, etc., then itd be easier to decide how the story revolves around the world. we should flesh out the world a lot more so we(the player) can be part of the story, you know?

Re: buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Tue May 06, 2014 11:48 pm
by AeroQC
Well here's the thing. In the game, buinomon have only been around for a decade, so their role in the world is sort of still up in the air. Some people have turned to entertainment and companionship whereas others look at buinomon as alien entities and fear them. In general, research on buinomon is still relatively in it's infancy, but is quickly advancing with the advent of new technology.

People living in urban areas close to technology and such are more open to the concept of accepting buinomon in the world. But in rural areas, where technology is trying to catch up to the norm, people are wary or, more drastically, outright afraid of buinomon. The protagonist's research brings him to these varying communities where... Things happen... (Brain Fart) Hey, I'm not perfect.

The concept of the game is belonging. Do buinomon belong in our world? Do we want them to belong?
I hope this opens some holes in our minds, whereupon ideas and stories shall flow freely and be shared with all.
But seriously, this is a community project, let's make it awesome and thought-provoking.

Re: buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:26 am
by Joder921
AeroQC wrote:I agree with Joder, the back-story and world is fleshed out enough, we can now focus on the game story itself.

Maybe we have the protagonist be a new assistant to the leading researcher on buinomon? Or an intern? Some character building should follow for a bit, and a pseudo-tutorial on battling and scanning buinomon. Then maybe we have the villain organization disrupt a research trip and the protagonist helps retrieve the stolen data.

Hmmm... That would work I guess, but it doesn't give the player the feeling of adventure (or is it purpose) in the game. Just doing it because it is your job sounds boring, because they could get anybody else to do the job if you didn't.
I think that the main character should be special in some way that would make him be the one for the job to find the cure and defeat BES. Without this element, it can become boring after only little play.
Know what I mean?

Re: buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:12 am
by adekto
just like to propose the main character (player character)
so what if you are from the family who was head of a science group at the time of the incident (u can go as dark as you want with it, in the vain to evangelion :?: ) the opening/tutorial cude be the ancestor during like the big event
also not sure on your age (teenager, collage rechurch student or older)

im not sure aside to collect them all what the main goals could be
in pokemon to take from example the villains aren't you main goal u kinda stumble into them more or less, the main thing is beating all gyms and beyond

so one of the things is multiple main objectives

Re: buinomon open development : story

PostPosted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:32 pm
by SerMagnas3
what if our main character is special in the sense that he has some special or unusual buinómon that brings to attention the negative effects of the virus