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Play Zork (and other Infocom Z-code games ). .hex provided

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:33 am
by jonnection

A small how-to to get Zork running on your Gamebuino. You can also play other Z-code games.

This is not (yet ?) a self-contained Gamebuino Z-interpreter. You need to play it through a serial terminal. You need to have your Gamebuino connected to your computer and the Serial monitor of the Arduino IDE open to play the game. Commands are sent from the pc keyboard to the Gamebuino. If you do not know how to do this, this game is not for you.

So, setting up AZIP on the 'buino:

OPTION 1: building Arduino Z-code Interpreter (AZIP) from source

We are going to be using Arduino Z-code Interpreter written by Louis M Davis available here:

AZIP also needs a library called SdFat (it is NOT the standard Arduino SD library !) available here:

There is a slight problem. Azip was written for an older version of SdFat. In order to make it compile and work on the Gamebuino, you need to change 2 lines of code:

Line 20 in azip.ino, change chip select pin from 4 to 10
const uint8_t chipSelect = 10;

Line 34 in azip.ino, there is no sd.init method anymore, you need to change it to:
if (!sd.begin(chipSelect,SPI_FULL_SPEED)) sd.initErrorHalt();

OPTION 2: use my pre-built AZIP.HEX

you also need the GAME.DAT on the sd card - that is the actual Z-coded game that AZIP reads ... press "View RAW" and save it on your comp.

Then stick both files on your sd card and use the loader to load AZIP.HEX.


- you can play any Z-coded game by renaming it GAME.DAT (AZIP has no file loading interface)
- I give absolutely no guarantees / support / reimbusement for any damages caused to you personally or your Gamebuino. Use these instructions on your own risk. I have no Gamebuino to check that everything works 100% - I use my own Fakebuinos.

Re: Play Zork (and other Infocom Z-code games ). .hex provid

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 11:46 pm
by TheTurnipKing
Huh, that's a nice little thing to have.

Always rather liked my text adventures, might have to take a look.