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BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Tue Feb 07, 2017 3:45 pm

It's not really a game here :)
When i brew my beer at home, i am always looking for 2 informations :
- the final Alcohol content = (initial density-final density)/7.6
- the corrected initial density according to the temperature of the brew = ((0,1963596*temperature)+(0,002661056*temperature*temperature))-5,431719) + initial density

So i made this little tool on Gamebuino, with an ergonomic (i think) data imput menu.
beerCalc2.png (3.4 KiB) Viewed 19643 times

- Left part : imputs of DI, DF, TP (DI: initial density; DF : final density; TP : temperature of the brew in °C)
- Right part : results : Alcohol content and Corrected initial density.
- A Button : change imput line : DI, DF, TP
- Up/down : increase or decrease the selected value
- Left / right : only for DI or DF : these numbers are big : eg: 1020 => modif : 10 then modif : 20

UPDATE : This is the v2.1 :
(156.35 KiB) Downloaded 1305 times

logoB.png (1.06 KiB) Viewed 19643 times

Full code is in the Zip file
Last edited by Awot on Mon Jul 10, 2017 2:04 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:37 pm

This is great! I love seeing useful tools developped for the gamebuino. It can do a lot more than games!

Re: BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Tue Feb 07, 2017 11:30 pm

Really creative! Kudos

Re: BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Sun Feb 12, 2017 12:54 pm

This is pretty neat! I know a couple of people that do homebrew, and I might show this to them. Nice non-game use of the Gamebuino.

Re: BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Thu Jul 06, 2017 9:44 pm


i'have just add a new feature to BeerCalc :
Press B and switch to another menu for the bottling.
Choose the number of 33 cl, 65 cl and 75 cl bottles, and it calculates the total volume of beer (in Liters)

BeerCalcv2.gif (17.07 KiB) Viewed 19174 times

Please find BeerCalc v2.1 here :
(156.35 KiB) Downloaded 1263 times
Last edited by Awot on Sat Jul 08, 2017 2:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Re: BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Fri Jul 07, 2017 6:52 am

Pretty funky tool!
I have lots of brewer friends around here I will have to direct them to this.

Like Drakker said, it is wonderful to see tools developed for the Gamebuino.

Re: BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Fri Jul 07, 2017 9:56 am

Thanks erico !

i have done this poster (i don't know how to call it) for this program, to help understand functionalities.
it may not be perfect, but the goal is to have all functionalities of a Gamebuino program or game in a single simple view.
it would be nice to have a template for all Gamebuino games..

BeerCalc_Manual.png (254.41 KiB) Viewed 19116 times

Re: BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Fri Jul 07, 2017 4:09 pm

That is pretty nice and spot on as instructions.

On another hand, you could do the instructions straight on the gamebuino app.
Prior to loading your game from the os menu, you can view a set of images related to it (loaded from the sd).
You could then, add the instructions images there.
It would not be a single screen instruction though.

Anyway, what you works perfectly.

Re: BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:19 am

Awesome! Makes me wanna dust all the cobwebs off my brewing gear.

Here's a thought experiment, how would you go about automating the measurement of specific gravity? I've racked my brain over the years trying to come up with a good solution but always come up short....

  • Measure changes in the brew's weight. I believe this would work in theory but calibration would be tricky and I don't think the change could be measured accurately enough with commercial scales.
  • Measure wort level with an ultrasound sensor. Froth would interfere, and again I think calibration would be tricky.
  • Wrap a coil around a hydrometer, stick it inside a secondary coil (or metal cylinder) and measure the change in inductance as it rises. Technically should work fine but I can't think of how you'd physically create this in a way that would also be easy to clean and sterilize.
  • Stick something with texture along the side of a hydrometer and use a mouse sensor to track vertical motion. My silliest idea yet...all the same problems as the previous case plus now you can't move the fermenter.
  • Something to do with lasers....and refraction....

Re: BeerCalc : The beer brewing tool

Tue Aug 08, 2017 11:37 am

doesn't electronic densimeter exists ?
it should solve the problem of automating the measurement.
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