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Thunder Shoot

Thu Apr 06, 2017 3:45 pm


I am currently making a shoot em up for the Gamebuino.
I named it Thunder Shoot as I am a big fan of the Thunder Force serie.
THUNDER_SHOOTv005optoptimize(1).gif (193.66 KiB) Viewed 19901 times

THUNDER_SHOOTv005optoptimize.gif (227.81 KiB) Viewed 19901 times

State of the v007:

Functions implemented :
- No transparency (white pixel is not a transparent pixel): ok
- Mutiple scrolling (4 : clouds, city, road back, road front) : ok
- False 3D lines (the lines that simulate 3D between the city and the road) : ok
- Multiple bullets shoot with array of array (10 bullets) : ok
- Boss with multiple animation (3 animation states for the robots and 10 states for the gigant turtle) : ok
- Cars on the road, can be destroyed, arrives randomly on the road by group of 3 : ok
- Power bar + mega ray triangle : ok
- score incrementing : ok
- Ennemis shoot : ok
- Multiple ennemi salves to add
- other boss to add

Todo list :

- bugs to fix : ship shot for no reason
- bugs to fix : car shot still take bulets (white rectangle?)
- change backgroud (levels)
- gameplay to fit (enemy health, nb of bullets)

Source of the v007 :
[WIP] Thunder_shoot
(35.56 KiB) Downloaded 1618 times

if you have some ideas :)
and if someone could help me with the sound and music that be great.
Last edited by Awot on Tue May 02, 2017 2:25 pm, edited 5 times in total.

Re: Thunder Shoot

Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:14 pm

Really nice job! I especially like the parallax effect. You really did a good job with the graphics of this.

I'm currently working on a tracker for making music on the Gamebuino (making slow progress with saving to SD), but there's also FreddyWild's GBtracker for making music on the PC. If you're asking for help in writing the music, then I'm afraid I can't help with that. I'm no good at writing music.

I do suggest you try your hand at creating some bleeps and bloops, because it's surprisingly easy to do. Try out yodasvideoarcade's excellent FX synth to start out with. It's how I started learning how to use Gamebuino's (admittedly confusing and underdocumented) sound library. I adapted the example code provided by yodasvideoarcade for use with FX synth, and created the sounds I wanted in FX synth for my game, Armageddon. If you're interested, check out the file for playing sfx in Armageddon to see how simple the code can be (I don't actually use the initSound function because I changed my mind when writing the code, so that function shouldn't even be there).

It's also possible to make sfx with the music tracker I'm working on by making a very short sequence of notes. Right now exporting is kind of a pain, so I don't know if you would want to try that. I will be trying to make some documentation on using it in the future, though, to make it easier to create songs on the Gamebuino.

Back to the game: this has the potential to be a great shmup on the Gamebuino! I'm glad there's still a handful of people like you in this community still putting out games!

Re: Thunder Shoot

Fri Apr 07, 2017 7:09 am

Very Nice :D

Re: Thunder Shoot

Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:44 pm

Looks cool! :D

Re: Thunder Shoot

Sat Apr 08, 2017 6:54 am

Superb! Over neo geo quality! ;)

Re: Thunder Shoot

Thu Apr 13, 2017 10:37 am

Thanks for your replies !
i just fixed some bugs (collision of bullets) and add a giant turtle boss so i updated the 1rst post with better .gif
i hope i ll find out how to make multiple enemies and shoots before boss in order to finish a full level !

Re: Thunder Shoot

Fri Apr 14, 2017 1:24 am

It somehow reminds me of the arcade "Prehistoric Isle in 1930".
Keep it up! :)
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