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Re: Senet - an ancient Egyptian board game

Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:38 pm

Nevermind, I renamed it to senet (rather than Senet) and so it didn't work which got me confused. Sorry I wasted your time and thanks for the patience.

Re: Senet - an ancient Egyptian board game

Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:48 pm


Thank you for trying this game. I was somewhat afraid that "board game" might prevent some people from looking at this game. As most other games are rather action and arcade games. ;)

I'm currently looking at the PongMulti example to see how it works. I think it will be relatively easy to get the I2C multi player working. Hot-seat might make some more problems but I haven't looked at that yet.

I hope I got your questions right. These translators on the internet often spit out strange things. :D
I updated the readme to be be more detailed and included in the first post. All pieces are worth the same, you have got your own type and your opponent gets the other ones. The "score" below the board shows how much pieces were already taken from the board (from square 30 to be exact).
The game ends when one of the players removed all his pieces from the board.

You might search on the internet for the rules. They won't be exactly the same but it might get you a better understanding of how the game essentially works.

Any suggestions to further improve the game are welcome. :)

Re: Senet - an ancient Egyptian board game

Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:41 pm

I can see now why Senet was so popular back then, it's pretty cool.
Oh and I had a bug earlier that day when I did a 7 vs. 7 game; my figure was on the last field but didn't get taken away when it was my turn again, the CPUs figures where correctly removed prior.

Re: Senet - an ancient Egyptian board game

Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:22 pm

Is it possible that there were sill some of your pieces in the first row? Otherwise your piece should be removed automatically (at least that's the plan). This rule prevents you from neglecting your other pieces. :)

Oh, and I managed to implement hot seat multi player yesterday. The repository is already updated. I'm currently working at i2c multi player which is already about half finished.

Re: Senet - an ancient Egyptian board game

Wed Jul 30, 2014 3:30 pm

That might actually be possible, I totally forgot about this rule.

Re: Senet - an ancient Egyptian board game

Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:34 pm

I worked a bit on I2C multi player support. It does work now, but seems to be a bit buggy if you loose connection. However, game play works fine. I realized that I2C with its master - slave architecture is not that great to write multi player games. I'm missing a way to request things from the master... I'm not that experienced with this method, however I developed some client-server applications using Java...
It does work, but I need to reorganize I2C multi player a bit to get rid of these bugs. But I want to do something else now... :D

Changes are:
  • I2C multi player gaming support
  • (simple) logo
  • hot seat multi player support (was already implemented but I did no extra post)

I updated binary and source in the repository.

Re: Senet - an ancient Egyptian board game

Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:44 pm

That's great, well done! Did you use the pong multiplayer example? It's supposed to handle disconnections properly.

Re: Senet - an ancient Egyptian board game

Mon Aug 11, 2014 5:24 pm

Thank you!

Yes, I looked at the pong multiplayer example but as my communication is much more complex I was not able to completely adapt it. (I'm sending a complete struct of 20 bytes over I2C per turn and transmitting the current selected square to the other device the whole time, so there is much going on on the I2C bus :D ) As I said, I should refactor some of the I2C multiplayer code to get it working correctly in any circumstance.
Debugging the communication is not really funny, so I tried my best for now.

The game can detect disconnections and also reconnects but still behaves strange sometimes... I need to refactor some components to get rid of all these strange things. But currently I'm just tiered debugging all that stuff.
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