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Bonjour from(age) France !

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 9:52 am
by RayTro
Hi Gamebuino's community ! o/
I'm Raytro, a french retrogamer who like programmation and electronic experimentations. My english... Very bad (I'm sorry about that ><).
I don't have gamebuino, but i wait for have money for buy it, and for wait i want to make à program for gamebuino. I have an idea for some things but before i want to ask à question about gamebuino: fps are limited to 20 i think, but can we increase it to 40, for example ? What is the max fps gamebuino can support, i speak about the processor in first.
Thanks for watching my presentation, and good day for you ! o/

Re: Bonjour from(age) France !

PostPosted: Mon Oct 06, 2014 11:11 am
by Myndale
Bonjour Raytro! And welcome to the forums.

You can change the framerate using the setFrameRate function:

As you say the default is 20. There's no point going higher than about 41 because that's the rate of the internal refresh circuitry in the 5110 LCD display.

Re: Bonjour from(age) France !

PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:57 pm
by Sushi
Salut RayTro! Welcome to the forums. Je ne sais pas si mon français est bien, mais tu peux je dire. Also, I like what you've done with the title "fromage" and your username (Retro)!

Re: Bonjour from(age) France !

PostPosted: Fri Oct 10, 2014 9:02 am
by RayTro
Thanks for your answers, the word "fromage" is a very stupid idea =3
And my username are made by the mix of two of my old usernames: Ray, and Trophe. I love retrogaming then i make this username ;)