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gb.frameDurationMicros ?

Tue May 20, 2014 8:46 am

Lately I managed to make my own menu and popup screen. I was playing with some gamebuino library functions and I called the gb.frameDurationMicros function. It returns a big number and I dont seem to understand what it represents. Does it have to do something with framerate?

Re: gb.frameDurationMicros ?

Tue May 20, 2014 9:02 am

frameDurationMicros is supposed to be the time it took to render the last frame in number of microseconds. It's used in the function getCpuLoad() which give the % of CPU used.

Although I'm not sure if it's correctly implemented as things has moved in the library since I added that. I'll check it soon (while I write the reference page).
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