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Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Wed May 17, 2017 1:15 am

Yep I´m also interested in knowing more about the display.
I will check some mocks on the caanoo screen just in case while waiting but I still think some tones are way too similar to be useful and we have too many brown variants. I´m finishing a mock about PRESSURE SOLDER and I´m having way more trouble getting the colors going than anything else graphic wise. If we get to know the display, maybe we could create a color profile to render the colors on graphic applications more akin to the final result visible on the real screen.

Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Wed May 17, 2017 1:54 am

Here is a work in progress.
The game mock is based on Pressure Cooker for the Atari 2600 ( ).

---chessy synopsis


Rodot, the master solder, has a lot of Gamebuinos to deliver.
Since the pick and place machine can´t populate as fast as he can, he set it so to skip some components that he will be soldering on the fly.
That is the most optimum way to make the delivery!
Are you up to the challenge?

---end of cheese
PRESSURE SOLDER.png (21.38 KiB) Viewed 317387 times

Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Wed May 17, 2017 11:28 am

lol, i like the idea, not sure how your going to licence Rodot's likeness XD

Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Wed May 17, 2017 1:38 pm

If he does not give away the license...We just call it Guile then. :lol:

The current mock needs a lot of work but I´m happy with the layout.
The machine on the top looks way better when animated, when still like it is , it is quite a mess.

A bit more description...the gamebuinos on the running machine are already visible on what it lacks, so you get the part to finish it from the right machines, which are, from top to down, battery, controls,speaker,screen. The last one is the case.

I have also added other elements, not visible on the mock, on the playfield to extend playability.
The original game, while fun and quite unique, can get boring after a while...but not this one! :)

Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Wed May 17, 2017 3:56 pm

wow cool, cant wait to play that ;)

Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Fri May 26, 2017 11:56 pm

heck, I just wish I could make some time and money to code some of the ideas, but never the less, here is a Pegasus and the Phantom Riders with Buzzard Bait (Joust) ostrich/chicken style. :D
As said before, it is quite a challenge to fit into the final resolution, hence I decided to use the chickens as they scale better and Pegasus style stages as they don´t have too many platforms. We could add pass through platforms too.
Now I´m sure we have too many browns, 6, ( (c64 anyone?) and not enough blues, 3. The later could have one or two extra tones to help background creation...aerial perspective and stuff, the former could loose a couple tones. But that is just loud thinking, I haven´t come up with any actual solution.
BUZZARD LV01.png (20.64 KiB) Viewed 317331 times

BUZZARD LV02.png (20.82 KiB) Viewed 317331 times

Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Sat May 27, 2017 1:17 am

Looks great erico!

I played some more with the palette, and with careful color choices, using bright colors as background isn't all that bad...

castle_dude_v2.png (2.17 KiB) Viewed 317329 times

castle_dude_v2-big.png (3.15 KiB) Viewed 317329 times

Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Sat May 27, 2017 3:08 am

It isn´t, looks all fine and set, but it is quite aggressive and if the background is bright, you foreground either needs black silhouette, darker colors or some kind of outline. My idea, when low res as our display is, is to make a difference by tone, not by outlines or contrast. Would that work on the final display? We would have to see.
Really nice updated mockup. Way more lively then before but would that purple show anything against the red on the new display?

Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Sat May 27, 2017 10:39 am

i agree that outlines just end up waisting precious pixels, though that castlevania looks amazing, and it will probably fine if you consider movement

Re: mockups for new gamebuino

Sat May 27, 2017 11:13 am

hauntedhouse.png (15.13 KiB) Viewed 317317 times

a little more on the simplistic side but atari 2600 games seem to work well
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