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Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:10 pm

Started a prototype just before I go on holiday tomorrow (to put my programmer brain to rest! Though I am taking my laptop, so if I have a particularly boring time maybe I'll work on this more...)

Anyway, I started making a shmup:

An R-Type tribute for Gamebuino. Very work-in-progress at this stage.

How to 'play':

  • Arrow buttons U/D/L/R move your ship
  • Press A to fire bullets
  • Move around and fire bullets at the same time to modify their direction and velocity

You can view/fork the source on GitHub. Or if you just want a ELF/HEX to try out, here's a direct ZIP download link for the binaries.

The direction/velocity modification of bullets isn't strictly a traditional shmup mechanic or particularly innovative - I borrowed it from Geometry Wars, actually - but with a small screen, slow movement speed and potentially lots going on (I see this eventually becoming a 'bullet hell' type deal) I thought it could be pretty neat further down the line...
Last edited by annyfm on Sun Aug 17, 2014 6:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:37 pm

Not bad 8-)

Re: Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 5:59 pm

I like the feeling of the bullets' direction/velocity modification, I look forward having something to shoot :lol:

Re: Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:06 pm

pleeease, pictures for those without a gamebuino and too dumb to work the emulator :cry:

Re: Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:27 pm

Certainly, see attached... Yeah, it's just a triangle and some dots :D I'm not really so hot on the art side of things - but when it's more complete (i.e. not just a controls prototype) I'll start figuring out how to do sprites. I've looked at examples in other projects (Senet for one) but it's beyond me right now!

Photo-29-07-2014-19-19-00.jpg (63.32 KiB) Viewed 9170 times

Photo-29-07-2014-19-19-18.jpg (58.05 KiB) Viewed 9170 times

Also bear in mind this is an arcade game and without an emulator (cause I work on Mac/Linux) I can't take an "action" shot, so you don't see the direction/velocity manipulation of bullets. It feels pretty good to me though. Thanks for giving it a quick spin rodot!

Re: Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:29 pm

I actually started making a schmup of my own, the other day, but hadn't got round to posting it here yet.
Source here:
(hex and elf in /dist/Debug/Arduino-Windows)

Here is a video of what I've got so farwhat is there so far:

I have a few Ideas for how to implement different enemy types and preset levels.

Re: Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 6:55 pm

annyfm wrote:Also bear in mind this is an arcade game and without an emulator (cause I work on Mac/Linux)

The emulator works fine for me in Linux using wine, use a command like
wine <path to gbsim.exe> <path to your .elf file>

The sound currently doesn't work, but I think it's not implemented in the emulator.

Re: Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 7:47 pm

Nice images and videos on the different games, thanks for posting. :)

Re: Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 8:33 pm

Out of curiosity is there a reason why you use floats for positions and velocities for bullets rather than bytes? (Bytes usage is better)

Re: Ard-Type - an R-Type tribute

Tue Jul 29, 2014 9:18 pm

Limited wrote:Out of curiosity is there a reason why you use floats for positions and velocities for bullets rather than bytes? (Bytes usage is better)

Ignorance :lol:

edit: will expand on that a little... I'm not really a C or Arduino programmer, I actually come from a predominantly PHP background (which is how I make my living) and while I understand static tying in principle and casting, working in a dynamically typed language leaves me somewhat at a loss for the pros and cons of certain types (like I know float is more computationally expensive than int, but not a lot more than that!)

edit 2: on that note, any chance you could elucidate the benefits of byte over int/float?
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