Gamebuino Updates

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Gamebuino Updates

Postby rodot » Sun Aug 03, 2014 2:08 pm

This thread is for you to know when the library is updated, what changed, and post here if there is any bug with the new version.
It's strongly adivised to update your Gamebuino library and the .HEX files on you micro SD card when a new update is out.

#2014-08-11 Beta branch
* drawPixel and getPixel are now inline for an overall 2.9x speed-up of graphic functions (suggestion by Myndale)
* SETTINGS_PAGE moved from 0x7000-128 to 0x7800-128 to avoid overwritting settings when flashing too large games. You will have to set your settings again using SETTINGS.HEX an to re-compile your games for them to be able to read the new settings.
* gb.sound.prescaler changes the sound playback speed (1=normal speed, 2=two times slower, etc.). Automatically adjusted when you use gb.setFrameRate() for a constant playback speed.

* settings.hex values wrap around fixed
* improved pickRandomSeed (even more random!)
* wrap(i, imax) macro added to core library
* .HEX files updated
* Sokoban no longer overwrites settings
* 3D demo updated to latest version (works on every screen now)
* Invaders, Minsweeper, Asterocks, Stack challenge added

# 2014-08-03
* LOADER.HEX improved
* toolkit's bitmap encoder bug fixes (hex encoding, size bytes missing in array)
* sound library bug fixes
* physics and tile map examples added
* font size is set back to 1 when titleScreen() is called
* .HEX files updated and added
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Re: Gamebuino Updates

Postby rodot » Sat Aug 09, 2014 1:21 pm

New update today!
Minor changes to the core library (see changelog)
You should update your LOADER.HEX and SETTINGS.HEX to the latest version.
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Re: Gamebuino Updates

Postby rodot » Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:54 pm

New update of the beta branch:
* drawPixel and getPixel are now inline for an overall 2.9x speed-up of graphic functions (suggestion by Myndale)
* SETTINGS_PAGE moved from 0x7000-128 to 0x7800-128 to avoid overwritting settings when flashing too large games. You will have to set your settings again using SETTINGS.HEX an to re-compile your games for them to be able to read the new settings.
* gb.sound.prescaler changes the sound playback speed (1=normal speed, 2=two times slower, etc.). Automatically adjusted when you use gb.setFrameRate() for a constant playback speed.
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Re: Gamebuino Updates

Postby rodot » Tue Sep 09, 2014 6:37 am

It's been a few updates since the last time I posted there (see below).

I think it's a good time to merge the beta branch to the master, before the online shop opens, so everybody can updated their code before the rush. Please update to the beta branch, update your code (and binaries .hex and .elf) an see if you catch any bug before I merge to the main branch.

There is many reasons to upddate to the beta branch:
* super easy installation of the library and board, just copy and paste the folders in your sketchbook
* more examples about physics, collisions and stuff
* ability to use different fonts at the same time
* Improved, more stable bootloader
* Faster Bitmaps
* new INVERT color
* pixel wise bitmap detection collision
* settings page moved so it doesn't get overwritten by large games (was the case with sokobuino). Breaks compatibility with the previous version so you really should update.
* many minor improvements and bug fixes

What changed since the last post:

* INVERT color added
* collideBitmapBitmap fixes
* collide examples use the new INVERT color

* Displays the battery voltage when turning off because of low battery

* collideBitmapBitmap() added
* collideRectRect() only returns true when there there it's overlapping (not just when it's only touching)
* collidePointRect(), collideRectRect() and collideBitmapBitmap() examples added
* getBitmapPixel() added

* compilation error when NUM_CHANNEL is set to 0 fixed
* crabator, ufo-race and 3D demo hex files added
* gb.display.getBuffer() added

* License LGPL 3 added

* hardware folder added for easier installation. You only have to copy and paste it to you sketch folder, you no longer have to manually install the bootloader and edit boards.txt
* SETTINGS.HEX updated to reflect the change of the last update
* bootloader updated to the experimental bootloader v2.0 by Jonnection. gamebuino_boot_only.hex only includes the bootlaoder and gamebuino_boot.hex (default one) includes SETTINGS.HEX
* all utilities removed to be moved to different repos (font editor, emulator)
* .HEX files of all the games removed
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Re: Gamebuino Updates

Postby Doc » Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:32 am

Love this latest update! especially that bitmapbitmap collision detection!
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Re: Gamebuino Updates

Postby inversesandwich » Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:16 pm

Is the boot-loader ready for prime time yet? Or is it still experimental?
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Re: Gamebuino Updates

Postby rodot » Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:53 pm

The last version of the bootloader is very stable, way better than the one used during the Indiegogo campaign, thanks to Jonnection! I didn't catch any bug yet.
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Re: Gamebuino Updates

Postby desgroup » Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:22 am

This may just be me being lazy, but what would be useful is a sort of:
gb.display.drawPixel(x,y,color) //"color" includes gray
rodot wrote:I don't think I'll support gray in the core library because not something very reliable and does't render very well

UPDATE(because I hate posting and like editing): I get your point there I guess, but it would be insanely helpful if you did.
rodot wrote:it has already been discussed a lot on the forum

I'm new to the forum(well if 1 month is the definition of "new" to you) and well I haven't explored it much, sry.
also an
Bitmap color inverter like:
rodot wrote:Also the color INVERT already exists

UPDATE: I guess Ill play around with the flip(I have no idea what it does) and see if it works. There is no color option for drawBitmap().
for the next update. But then again, I don't want to be the: I want an update with set features and so features for the next.
So Ill keep this to the minimal.
UPDATE: Sorry for the inconvinience :? .
Last edited by desgroup on Wed Nov 05, 2014 10:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gamebuino Updates

Postby rodot » Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:01 pm

Hey there!
I don't think I'll support gray in the core library because not something very reliable and does't render very well (it has already been discussed a lot on the forum).
Also the color INVERT already exists ;)
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Re: Gamebuino Updates

Postby erico » Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:43 am

I´m not sure here is the right place for my post, but I´d like to state that within the new settings on the new loader, the gray color works perfectly on my gamebuino, and that is a full screen gray test.
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