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improving BlocksBuino with music and other stuff!

Sun Jul 12, 2015 7:51 pm

I recentry got my Gamebuino! :) I thought about some games I wanna write and tried doing some stuff but I'm not really good yet and I still need to set up a comfortable developing environment. What I can do though, is playing games and modifying them! I already sent Artillery's developer a pull request on github and now I'm thinking about adding tetris music to BlocksBuino.

However, I'm not any good with music. I already managed to add music to it but all the notes are the same length in time and I can't get it to sound well, and since I found that someone already created a gamebuino track for the tetris music maybe I can implement it in BlocksBuino together with saving the game and other cool stuff :)

So, somebody has the track? The current BlocksBuino build has about a 4 KB of free program memory and 900 bytes of free RAM, that is counting the sample "music track" I added but the original developer (here: didn't optimize for memory so I'm sure I can work more out. However I'm comfortable we can fit at least part of the tetris track right?

EDIT: I created a new repository (here: where I already implemented some features (such as press UP to make the block fall istantly). If someone is willing to help with the track, I'd be really happy!
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