- CPU : atmega328 @ 16Mhz
- Display : 84*48px monochrome + auto backlight
- Sound : magnetic speaker, 4 channels
- Input : Arrows + A B C buttons
- Communication : 1x micro USB, 1x micro SD card, 2x I2C, 1x ICSP
- Battery : ~12-24h life, 300mAh LiPo battery, charged through USB
- Power : 3.3V, 150mA max
- Dimensions : ~credit card sized : 90*45*12 mm (3.5*1.8*0.5″)
- Gamebuino R1 (Early bird version)
- first public release
- Gamebuino R2 (First batch of 1000)
- "sound" connector added
- Photo resistor spacer taller (3mm -> 6mm)
- Acrylic case minor changes
- Gamebuino R3
- Brighter and whiter backlight LED
- Slightly different speaker
- 0805 components instead of 0603
- Screen contact improved
- More stable bootloader by Jonnection
- Gamebuino R4
- RT/TX LEDs bug fixed
- Changed speaker for a piezo
- Added 3.5mm audio jack
- Added battery connector
File:Gamebuino r2 schematics.pdf
3D Model
STEP is the industry standard format for 3D files. You can open it using the free CAD (Computer Assisted Design) software Design Spark, or any other CAD software like SolidWorks, Catia, etc. Google Sketch is free but only the paid version can open STEP files.
If you want to build your own case, wether it is by laser cutting acrylic, 3D printing ABS, machining stainless steel or carving wood, you can use the following template. Make sure to select a scale of 100% when you print it.
The bootloader is a small program that permanently resides in Gamebuino memory which allows you to load games via SD card or USB port. Under normal circumstances loading a new game into Gamebuino would require you to use an external programmer connected to the Gamebuino's ICSP port. The bootloader makes this process easier and faster by eliminating the need for a separate hardware programmer.
Bill Of Materials
BOTTOM LAYER SMT ---------------------------------- Quantity Label Value Resistors 7 R1-R6, R10 1k 5 R7-R9, R11, R12 4k7 3 R13-R15, TH1 10k 1 R16 100k 2 R17,R18 1M Ceramic capacitors 2 C1,C2 22p 4 C3-C6 0.1u 3 C7-C9 1u 2 C10,C11 10u Integrated Circuits 1 U1 ATMEGA328P_32PIN 1 U2 MCP73833-FCI/UN 1 U3 FTDI FT232RL 1 Q1 MMBT2222A 1 Q2 MIC5205 Diodes 1 D1 LL4148 Connectors 1 SD micro SD 1 USB Micro USB B TOP LAYER ------------------------------------------ 1 X1 16MHz 1 BAT 240 mAh LiPo BATTERY 7 BTN0-BTN3,BTNA,BTNB,BTNC 1 BUZZER Magnetic speaker 9 CHAR,FULL-LED4,PWR,RX,TX LED 2 J1,J2 I2C connectors 1 ON OFF SWITCH 1 PR1 GL5539 1 SCREEN Nokia 5110 LCD