AimBuino a ball throwing challenge

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AimBuino a ball throwing challenge

Postby babadu83510 » Tue May 10, 2016 8:21 pm

Here it is, download it now : ... s/tag/v0.2 :ugeek:
This is an aiming game in which you have to throw balls at a target and make as many points as you can !
There are two gamemodes, challenge and free mode. In the challenge mode you have to reach the highest score in 1 minut, in the free mode you must hit the target without missing it.

There are high scores, a 3 players leaderboard for each gamemode.

The code is licensed under the GPLV3 so feel free to check it out !

I'm sorry there are no screenshots at the moment but I will try to make a short video and an page with screenshots ASAP :mrgreen:
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Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:47 pm

Re: AimBuino a ball throwing challenge

Postby frakasss » Wed May 11, 2016 8:23 am

Nice small game! :)

Handling is good, challenge interesting!

Few points you can maybe improve before adding your game on the "Game page":
- May be you can add levels? (firsts levels: big ball, big target. last levels: small ball, small targets)
- A two player mode: players are playing one after the other, the first missing the target lose the game ( and drink! :-p)
- Add some background image / character launching the ball indicating we are playing a "2D" game (For my first try, I was surprised to see gravity: I was expecting another gameplay, like Curling or something, seen by upside)

Some Ideas:
You could add a baseball player hitting the ball when the player release the power button (with a small 3-4 images animation)
Or replace the ball by an arrow and play Robinhood character! :-D

That's just ideas to make the game even more fun! :-D

Anyhow, nice job!
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Re: AimBuino a ball throwing challenge

Postby babadu83510 » Wed May 11, 2016 10:32 am

Oh yeah good ideas but for the levels It might unbalance high scores and the game could also be played at two players in free mode :D I try to keep the game simple but I will try to think about it ! :ugeek:
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Oct 19, 2015 3:47 pm

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