Sound in Games

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Sound in Games

Postby Judicant » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:29 pm


Sorry if this is kind of a beginner-level question (I chose to study Computer Eng. and not Computer Sci. ;p), but I've been been trying to wrap my head around how to incorporate sound/music into game code for a couple days. Ideally I would think you would want that process to run independently of the main process, but I don't think this is possible with the Gamebuino or an Arduino (what I'm currently working with (missed the funding campaign AGHH I'M SO MAD)).

I figure you'd have to use a counter to play the tones pieces at a time on each loop of the main function, but wouldn't you run into problem with the execution speed of that loop affecting your sounds (delayed playback in timed of heavy load)? Is there a better way to approach this, or should I just deal with it as a limitation?
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Re: Sound in Games

Postby rodot » Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:52 am

Judicant wrote:Ideally I would think you would want that process to run independently of the main process, but I don't think this is possible with the Gamebuino or an Arduino

The library handle all that, when you play a sound it'll be played in the background. All you have to do is to compose your musics and soundFX using the tracker (just an excel sheet for now) and play them. But for now the sound library is evolving quickly and the documentation is not up to date... but it should be in the coming days (or even in the coming hours).
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