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Revision as of 2016-11-27T16:06:07

Starting page

When you start creating your game, you should have included these file:

#include <SPI.h> (To communicate with the Gamebuino's screen)

#include <Gamebuino.h> (To get the pre made library)

Gamebuino gb (To create a Gamebuino object named gb)

Then, you'll need to initialize the Gamebuino object in the setup function using this: gb.begin(); and display the menu using the gb.titleScreen function: gb.titleScreen(F("The name of your game"));

For now, your code should look like this:

 #include <SPI.h>
 #include <Gamebuino.h>
 Gamebuino gb;
 void setup () {
   gb.titleScreen(F("My game"));

Customize the title screen

The function gb.titleScreen display only a title, to display a picture, create a 8x8px up to 64*30px PNG/JPG/etc. file and uplode it on the Bitmap encoder in the Download,

If you want to edit it later, take the binary with multi-line (Wrap output line = true) or if you want it in one simple line choose hexadecimal with a single line (Wrap output line = false)